Condolences for Dr Gina Barney
The burial of Dr Gina Barney will take place on Tuesday, 18 July, 2023.
10.30am – A Service of Morning Prayer in St Mark’s Church, Cautley
11am – Burial of Gina Barney in St Mark’s Churchyard, Cautley
11.30am – A celebration of Gina’s life in the People’s Hall, with tributes and refreshments
All are welcome.
On Thursday, 6 July 2023, Dr Gina Barney died at St John’s Hospice in Lancaster. She was a well known figure in the local community, as well as being highly respected in her field of lift engineering. Gina’s atheist views did not prevent her from engaging fully in the life of St Mark’s Church in Cautley, where she was an excellent treasurer for many years. Churchwarden Maureen Hinch writes:
Gina died very peacefully last night in St John’s Hospice. Her long and painful struggle is over. She was our treasurer at St Mark’s for over twenty years and her efficiency and knowledge kept us on our toes – she will be missed. And, Gina was my friend – reliable, practical, always willing to help and under her bold exterior there was a great sensitivity. Rest now in peace Gina.
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Photo courtesy of Lift Industry News
Photo courtesy of Lift Industry News